
What Is AcreShield?

AcreShield provides predictive, data-driven, machine-learning, agronomic seed prescription programs that deliver seed brand performance comparisons and recommendations. AcreShield aggregates seed yield data collected from the industry’s most respected, independent research trials. Using this information, AcreShield creates a comprehensive, specific list that ranks the top-performing brands and seed varieties by yield and gross income.

These revolutionary, independent and unique insights provide farmers with the most detailed yield performance information available to help make the best seed selections. Armed with this detailed crop intelligence, farmers can make seed selection decisions with greater confidence than ever before. Farmers also get the benefit of the extra layer of security provided by AcreShield’s yield-based performance protection. 

The value of AcreShield’s yield guarantee can be up to 7 times the cost of the Yield Optimizer selected to help mitigate yield loss risk.

Billy Rose, CEO

Chairman and CEO Billy has spent his entire career helping farmers. As a recent college graduate in the 1980s, he helped family farm friends write business plans to grow their operations and reduce debt. This led to him launching Ag1, a company that provided crop insurance, grain marketing, risk management advice and working capital. Ag1 was acquired by DTN, as well as Crop1 Insurance, Inc. acquired by Iowa Farm Bureau.

Now addressing the universal U.S. farming challenge of the Yield Gap, Billy and the AcreShield team used three years of certified independent seed trial plot data to create Yield Optimizer. It guides farmers in selecting the seeds that will perform best on each location. Yield Optimizer helps ensure a profitable yield or provides a performance protection payment.

Jim Rouse, EVP of Seed Trial Program

Jim has been managing research protocols for agronomic and plant breeding experiments for more than 30 years. This has allowed him to collaborate with farmers, seed producers, research partners and regulatory officials to produce results that deliver profitable crop performance. Jim previously served as the executive director of the Iowa Crop Improvement Association, the official seed certifying agency for Iowa. Jim also led the Iowa Crop Performance Tests which deliver unbiased performance comparisons among hundreds of corn hybrids and soybean varieties across Iowa.

Kevin McNew, Chief Data Officer

Kevin brings 32 years of experience in econometrics, market analysis and advanced statistical modeling to AcreShield. He founded Quantum Hedging where he was the lead for its Market Intelligence Lab and served as the chief economist at Farmers Business Network after it acquired GeoGrain, a market intelligence firm he created. Kevin holds a PhD from North Carolina State University, specializing in economics. 

Ryan Budnik, COO of Seed Trial Program

Ryan is a 15-year seed testing veteran with a passion for all things agronomy, especially crop performance testing and yield trial management. He curates the crop performance testing segment of the Iowa Crop Improvement Association and manages a portfolio of private contract research projects. Ryan has a proven track record for integrating cutting-edge technologies like GPS automation, UAV photogrammetry, and advanced data analytics into yield-trialing workflows, ensuring quality and precision.

German Mandrini, Agricultural Data Scientist

German is an Agricultural Data Scientist working at the intersection of agronomy, economics, and sustainability. He comes from a family farm, and agriculture has guided much of his career. He holds a B.S. in Agronomy, an M.S. in Agricultural Economics, and a Ph.D. in Crop Sciences. He has more than thirteen years of experience working for different companies (Corteva, Climate Corp and FBN) in the farming sector, including farm management, grain trading, corn breeding, and digital agriculture. His passion lies in developing advanced data analytics tools that optimize farm decisions, projecting them into future scenarios to enhance profitability and sustainability.